Guarantee* Terms & Conditions

Guarantee Terms and Conditions


Paid Setup Fee:

- A setup fee is required at the commencement of the campaign.

Initial Marketing Alignment Period:

- The first 30 days is designated as the "Alignment Marketing Phase" in which period adjustments and alignment is established for more effective marketing.

120-Day Campaign Guarantee:

- The guarantee applies to a 120-day campaign period.

- If the campaign does not produce our Guaranteed Revenue Multiplier of the Marketing funds invested, we will work for free for up to 120 days at zero cost or until we achieve the Guaranteed Revenue Multiplier result over a 30 day period.

- Once the desired results are achieved, the fees will revert to the original agreed rates or from day 121 onwards by agreement of both parties.

Contract Period:

- The minimum contract period is for the Set Up, Marketing Alignment Period and the 120-Day Campaign Guarantee meaning 164 days.

- A 30-day notice period is required for any contract termination.

120-Day Free Period:

- This period only applies if the Guaranteed Monthly Revenue Multiplier is not achieved based on an average monthly return expected for the client’s lifetime within the first three years, averaged over the 120-day campaign.

- If, at any point during the 120-day free period, we achieve the Guaranteed Monthly Revenue Multiplier average revenue return over any 30, 60, or 90-day period, the agreed-upon fees will reinstate and apply from that point onward.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the client acknowledges and accepts the structure and requirements of the campaign guarantee.